旧:where there is no haiku


161030 id:screwflysolver

formerly posted as h.hatena.ne.jp/screwflysolver/83466220749616342

161030 id:screwflysolver

[今見テ]ロイスのラストショーこの話すきformerly posted as h.hatena.ne.jp/screwflysolver/316615452953922102

161030 id:screwflysolver

シャーロックは原語だと asperger って言われてて、自称 high-functioning sociopathウィルは初登場時の分析によれば antisocial tendencies include gaze avoidance and obsessive verbal memory訳では「非社交的で視線をそらし言葉の暗記に執着」別に反社…

161030 英語

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_cue>A social cue can either be a verbal or non-verbal hint, which can be positive or negative. These cues guide conversation and other social interactions. A few examples of social cues include:・facia…